They eat, they pull, they jump. A Kenai River favorite for sure.
Fully guided Kenai River silver salmon fishing trips.
Double Haul Fly Fishing has been actively offering Kenai River silver salmon trips for over a decade. Throughout the years, our fishing guides have fine-tuned the very best ways to chase these fish in nearly any water conditions. Silver Salmon can be found in the Kenai River from August through October, peaking in mid-Late September.
Our fleet of boats allow us to chase silvers on a variety of water throughout the year, putting you in the best possible position to have a successful fishing trip. Your Kenai River silver salmon fishing guide will talk to you before the trip about the best river based on the water conditions.
Silvers are typically a very aggressive salmon and actively chase down flies or lures with ferocity. Both fly rods and conventional gear can be used, and will be provided for you during your trip. We really enjoy teaching newcomer different techniques, so if you want to learn how to fly fish, you have found the Kenai silver salmon trip for you.
Kenai River Silver Salmon Fishing Quick Facts:
There are 3 sections of the Kenai to fish well as some other smaller tributaries.
Guided Trout fishing is primarily catch and release.
Kenai River trout average 14-25 inches depending on location and season
Most of our Kenai River trout fishing trips start in Sterling, or Soldotna, or Cooper Landing
Full day trips are 8 hours, Half day trips are 4-5 hours
Even if we are booked full, we will help find you the perfect guide for you
Lodging packages are available
Guided silver salmon fishing rates
3 Anglers
$700 - Half Day Boat Rate (4 hours)
$850 - 3/4 Day Boat Rate (6 hours)
$1000 - Full Day Boat Rate (8 hours)
Rates per person
$400 - Full Day (8 hours)
$300 - 3/4 Day Rate (6 hours)
$250 - Half Day Rate (4 hours)
Fishing for Kenai River silver salmon
Our fleet of Kenai River silver salmon fishing guide boats fit between 3 and 4 anglers comfortably. If you are looking to fly fish in specific, we recommend a max of 4 people per boat. 2 anglers per boat being the most optimal for fly fishing.
The techniques that we use change daily, as the fish are constantly on the move. If you are not an avid angler, fear not, our guides have a variety of teaching techniques in our toolbox to get you on fish during your Kenai silver salmon trip.
Back-trolling plugs, is a great way for new anglers to get in on some great silver salmon action. If you like to pursue and actively cast to fish, casting spinners, spoons, jigs, and of course, fly fishing with large streamers are all techniques we employ on a regular basis. The low light periods are always the best when fishing for silver salmon, and trips usually start early to take advantage of this.
Planning your Kenai River silver salmon trip
At some point in the beginning of August, the silver salmon begin to enter the lower Kenai River. The exact start varies each year, but typically Silvers silver fishing begins as the King season comes to an end on July 31st. Your Kenai River silver salmon fishing guide will contact you before the trip to discuss the current run conditions.
September and October are easily our favorite months to chase silver Salmon. Fall weather can be quite variable, so we always recommend anglers bring a variety of outerwear to meet the conditions. Typically, we see at least one high water period during the fall. As the season moves on, fishing typically gets better as the water begins to drop with cold weather. In our opinion, September and October are hands down the best months of the year to book your Kenai Silver Salmon trip.
Late Season Fly Fishing Combos For Silver Salmon, Steelhead, and Rainbow Trout.
Fall trout fishing on the Kenai River is an incredible time to be an angler. Often our guides have opportunities at fishing for multiple species throughout the day, basing decisions on what conditions the river is in that day. Silver salmon and rainbow trout during the fall are certainly some of our favorite trips to operate.
What to expect during your guided trout fishing trip
Fly Fishing Techniques
The Kenai River offers fly anglers great opportunities at hooking up with Silver Salmon from Mid August all the way through October. Unlike Sockeye Salmon, silvers are often aggressive to a well presented fly. While it is certainly not easy, an angler that is proficient at casting larger flies on a 8 or 9 weight fly rod have great opportunities at landing silver salmon on a daily basis.
Spey Fishing For Silver Salmon
For two-handed anglers, the best spey fishing on the Kenai is often during the months of September and October. During these months silver salmon runs are typically at their peaks, and opportunities can be plentiful.
Silver Salmon often do not run in deep fast currents, more often, they seek the softer currents near the shore. This means long casts and heavy tips are not often necessary.
Conventional Techniques
Anglers that are not as competent with casting a fly rod, or simply choose to not try them, still have great opportunities at landing Silver salmon. Spinners, spoons, jigs, and other methods are commonly used on the Kenai with great results.
All of our guides are expert in both fly and conventional gear tactics to make sure that anyone that chooses to fish with us, are presented with the best opportunities during their guided silver salmon fishing trips.